Lion King!
i juz can't wait to be king......
ok... i am bored.... headache..... sob sob.....
had a fun time yesterday.... ahahahaha..... don wanna tell......
dar dar.... well we goin to eat on saturday.... or sunday.... ehehe..... can't help but be happy wif it.... well that is if he don last min cancel..... *prays*
so let juz say two person who are of equal importance to u ask u out on the same time n same day.... who will u choose???
o by the way.... offically 19 1/2 yrs old today.....
n kor (linus) birthday is in 4 mths time.... remember hor...
hahaha.... man... wat can i say man... hahaha....
the two of u man.... can i juz forget bout everything n haf the two of u?????
ok... this sucks.... first... i haf a slacky day yesterday... went home to slp aft school.... then i haf a fucking day in sch today.... n i can't go back n slp!!!! o piss.....
well.... the good thing is that i slp so freaky well yesterday.... y freaky well coz it is a long time since i last slpt on my mummy's bed.... n a long time since i am home so early.... bout 5 plus.... n long time since i.... well... slpt well... so... it is good lar....
hp bills.... this mth.... 100 plus....
well... that is the least of my problems...
today, in school... my group presented only.... only...... ONLY....
n i think we screw up the whole damn thing....
piss..... i think it is like....
more of my fault....
coz.... i did a lot of things last min...
n coz.... i compile the ppt.......
but damn piss..... y?? coz it is so bad that..... my fac had to talk to the gp aft lesson.....
yes... it is that bad.....
she don understand wat we r saying....
n our ppt is so disorganise.......
freak!!!!! aaah!!!!
sob sob..... my feeling???? am as sad as the heavy rain raining down now....
o man... the person next to me... can do something.... but i would rather he not.... concenterate on wat u haf to do.... comfort me later.....
though i wanna someone else to do it.....
don think so.......
he is bz lar..... too bz for me????
i donno....
promised to call b4 7.......
so am i too sad to think properly..... or is it that he not calling yet......
or is it..... again.....
a promised unfillful......
o watever......
guess it is juz me against myself again....
ok... tell me people... am i nice to u all?? am i very nice??? am i one who will do anything for others??? IS THAT TOO MUCH????
so tell me... how can i not b too nice to someone...
perhaps things are goin to turn for the worst... perhaps i shouldn't haf done a lot of things.... perhaps i shouldn't b so nice in the first place....
can someone teach me how to be a devil???
i hope that is it not coz of him that you are like that.... i don even know like wat... coz i really really donno... pls... don treat me like this... hiaz.... all that we haf built up... it is not juz coz i like u... it is also coz u r my kor... i treat people like that... don juz leave me like that ok....
n to my dearest dar....
spending time wif him keeps u off my mind... coz when i am wif him, i am studying or gyming... n if not, i will b talking to him... if u think that there is something more than that, then u r so wrong... pls lor... the only time i will do something wif him is when u r not in the pic.... n there is no way u are not in the pic so don even think of that... i helpin him wif his research n that all... if i can spent more time wif u, i don even need to spend it wif him... come on lor... i still waiting for u to try lor... pls... pls... pls...
to the rest...
pls keep off my life... n don piss me off..... leave vir alone or else.... i will surely get u... no matter who u r.... u donno people well pls don THINK you know who that person is... mess with my frens, mess wif me... i am warning u all............
in the months to come... i guess
1. hp bills sky high
2. spending more time wif dar
3. gyming more often
4. controling my emotions
5. study hard
6. start doing my pp
7. focus more on studies
8. don't think bout dar dar so much
9. find a job
10. get a md player
y??? coz....
1. smsing someone super lots everyday... for hrs.... lol...
2. that wat he promised
3. that wat i promised
4. that wat i got to do
5. for future
6. to gradurate
7. bout time i start doing something bout it rite?
8. think less, hurt less
9. to pay hp bills
10. for gyming session...
lol.... guess this seems like a undoable thing sia.... o well... we see bout it...
kk.... bout dar, we talk... he talk... i scold.... he say... i cry... he make fun of it... i keep quiet.... well... wat to do?? he is so unserious bout the whole relationship thingy.... hiaz..... but he promise to try harder to spent more time wif me.... hope that he will not let me down or cancel appointment again sai.... damn scare..... like this sat, he says he is goin to plan a nite out together n i was like.... donno to b happy or scare.... happy coz finally.... scare coz if he don do it.... then.... i really donno wat to do.... good thing is that, well... i kinda told him off liao.... bad thing is that.... he cannot commit.... hiaz.... wat to do??? tell me man... lol.... tell me to give him more time.... i gave him time liao... but it is still like that.... ok lar.... now i give u more time.... but wat if.... it is still like that???? wat am i to do??? hiaz.... seems like every sunday he is making me cry sia.... hiaz.... hiaz..... hiaz......
well... come to think of that i feel like weird.... am happy, yet sad.... hiaz....