8:48 PM
hahaha... now at nines..... was summiting my work.... homework.... check mails and all.... hahaha.... well kinda realise something.....
if u miss someone, just call..... hehhehee...... althought that is something that is difficult for me to do... but once i did it, it was like..... WOW!!!!!.... hehehehe
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4:14 PM
haha.... change skin.... hahaha nice?? comment pls... o n ya AJ theme.... hehehe
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3:26 PM
hahaha.... come in here to crap again...... mayb this will be another one of my long long post and saying what i have in mind.
these are the topic i will be touching..
1. school and my future
2. loneliness
3. love
firstly school.
i can tell you this. i donno what i am doing. i come into this course because i like science. i come in here because my mom says it is nice. so i come in. and i donno what i am in for. but now i know.
for problem solving yesterday, i come to realise that if next time i have to go into stem cell research and they taking embryo i will not do it. it is just how i see life. and this is not the first time i actually feel sick and stupid to have taken this course. i just donno what to do sometimes. to kill a "life" to save another. will i?? i don think so. i really donno. and well i know i always like nutrition. and suddenly i remembered bout alvin's job. with a nutritionist. kinda like.... i donno.... wat u think?? a sign?? i hope so.... i really donno. i donno what to take n where to go now..... thank god it is the last week of school already..... n then holiday.... 1 mth... ehehe.... well about lar.... o man.... wat can i do???? aaahhhhhh!!!!!! to continue or not????
i wanna know more bout the company that alvin is in.... mayb can profile it..... i hope so..... hiaz..... what to do...... once i got my feelings and thinking straight i think i will make a better choice..... but what i want to do??? i still donno..... acting??? writting???? or wat????? my future??? hiaz.... no future at all again...... i see no future.....
2nd thing: loneliness.
why i talk bout this??? coz every where i turn people are saying they are lonely, not attached..... i can't stand it. i say this first i really can't stand it!!!!!! y so despo???? i mean look at it this way.... i am lonely sometime..... but not to the extent that i wan a bf asap!!!! well it will be good to have one.... but not so despo!!!! i want someone who can be there for me.... who can make me feel safe.... who is there for love.... not just for a "relationship" .... and i have to be able to give him something as well.... i wan a both giving relationship.... i don wan to be the one giving only... or the one recieving too..... and.... i donno lar...... i feel like i so funny.... sometime passive sometimes active..... passive in bed n on making decision.... active in what i believe in..... hahhaa crazy???? a bit lar..... someone whom i can feel safe in..... hhaa..... can't believe it man..... so many i wan n i don wan...... will i find the perfect guy????? hahhaha i hope so.....
3rd thing: love
why love? what is love? i donno yet...... so far only a few people have shown me.... but i donno..... when n how to make it last..... i admit that i get tired of things fast..... n wanna try new things..... n wanna b fexlible in some, logheaded in others...... donno lar..... i wonder is there anyone who is like me??? ahahhaha chaos i think if there is...... n what do people judge me by... when they say they love me..... my looks???? that i am cute????? or my personality???? which is i donno what....... or what???? that i shower them with love coz i love them??? or coz when i love them i give everything???? hahaha..... kinda funny..... i think i haf not given my everything to one person before...... i go all the way out.... n got hurt... ya... i do..... got stronger??? don think so.... hahha..... but do i care??? no...... i am searching.... willl b searchin..... n i will wait till the perfect one comes..... i will not settle for anything less..... but am willing to try wif those who wanna try.... like JOE.... if he wans.... lol.... hahahhaa..... lame... i know.... hahaha.... but i mean it...... hhahaha =P
don wanna wake up alone any more
still believing u'll walk throungh my door
all i need is to know it's for sure
then i'll give all the love in the world.....
i will do that..... i will all i need is to know that you are my one....... n i will....... don hurt me.... pls... i don wannna get hurt..... hahhaa!!!..... [=p]
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11:16 AM
yesterday was fun for cheerleading..... haha..... did so many stunts..... now.... stomaching aching..... not pain but aching.... i think is muscle.... but then.... wa..... now got 4 pack i think..... hard hard one.... haha.... well tat all for yesterday lar.... nothing much..... just like that......
i donno wat to type for blog!!!!....... damn.......
can somebody date me???? hahhaa.... =P
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2:57 PM
 BEAUTIFUL ICE PRINCESS/PRINCE .You need distance between you and your partner in your relationship. You are very difficult to get. You have big requirements and this one you love must try hard to get you. But after she/he melt your heart she/he will be the most happy person in the world. You need someone who shoes you that you are special and it makes you feel good to see that you are loved. She/He shall know that you could easily get another girl/boyfriend but you wont as long as you love him. when she/he hurts you you will hurt him too, but in general you dont get hurt. If your partner cheated you ,you would react cold and immediately (try to) forget him
PLEASE VOTE, I want to know what you think about my quiz, I worked hard on it.You can always message me or tell me how I can improve that quiz. Ill sure write back.
~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~ brought to you by Quizilla
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) brought to you by Quizilla
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12:01 PM
okok..... this i have to say...... o m g!!!!! luckily i did not go swimming.... hahhaa..... got to see so many good looking people... hahaha!!!!!
ok... here goes.... yesterday damn sian so went with alvin to go around holland V..... then.... listen to this.... his boss is so goodlooking!!!! n it is so cool!!!!!! o man..... must control myself..... hehee..... well alvin's my boss and ya... so i call him boss lar.... am his PA.... personal assistance for a day only...... but anyway, can't stop thinking of him yesterday...... o today forgot bout him liao.... only to profile him lar..... see can or not first... hahaa... then later work for him..... then can see him everyday...... hehehe..... slut..... o man.... lol......
well then we went to H.V. and saw so many cute n good looking people... n also a lot of FOOD!!!! hahhaa...... well we went to a lot of places..... hahha.... so cool.... then guess wat??
on our way home (we took 147) i saw my mummy n sis..... n they were together!!!! n i was like SHIT!!!!! but actually nth happen... so lucky... hahha..... =P
o n i feel like it is going to be soon when someone close to me getting attached... heheh... good luck to u first.... whoever u r.....hahhaha
o n joe, it is better that u see first then say... wat people say may not be what n how u feel.....
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2:34 PM
the only thing interesting that happen yesterday is during cheerleading.... ahaa..
well we tried a lot of stunts.... got a few mistake here n there.... n well... like tt lor... but nothing major... dance still sucks... but nvm..... still got a lot of time to learn.... ahhaa..... anyway, sham had chicken pox.... hahaa.... then we haf to change our routine.... so sad.... well not really lar... haha......
anyway, we still doing well... hahaa.... not too bad.... n then it is so xiong..... tired till like hell.... hiaz....
now should i go for the one who knows bout me inside out??? or should i go for the one that i want??? as in my hunk, tall, old... u know.. that kinda things.... hahahaa......
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12:16 PM
yesterday so funny.... first wanna go home early coz i wanna go gym n swim but then coz we finish work late so left at bout 5. still consider early liao.... than chatted wif this someone i know but refuse to tell me his name all the way till i reach home... so left 1 bar of battery power.... then doreen called me..... tell me something which i couldn't remember. then hong called me.... ask me to come up wif cheer for his house. i was like.... wat the.... here i am rushing to go gym n swim n people keep on calling me.... n it was like.... grrrr!!!!.....
so came up with cheers for him... a few lar.... then went to gym.... no eye candy.... sian.... n all not nice one.... either the face nice nice but not bod or the upper bod very nice but sucky lower bod..... sorry lar... but i wan a nice all rounder.... hahaha..... =P anyway, meet a few of my sec school frens there..... hahha... cool... catch up here n there..... but the thing is forgot how to use many of the equipments and well... they are all in used..... stupid..... so crowded.... n no eye candy some more..... sian...... well so after a while (even b4 i start sweating) i went to the pool....
pool.... sucks.... swim for a while only starts to sprain my shoulder n hip.... piss..... sian.... those small small one lar..... but hinder me from swiming.... so shit.... then went to bath.... there also no eye candy... mayb coz i can't see without my spec..... hahaa......
n there was like this old man..... keep on like.... well looking for people to cruise.... keep on lookin at me n all.... piss man..... left quickly n chao......
went home n then eat.... wow mummy brought a lot for my dinner.... surprise.... hahaha..... well then went to do my homework.... so many things to do.... sian..... slpt at 1....
kinda felt hungry at bout 11 plus.... 2 hrs aft i eat man..... damn.... eat so much.... where is my muscle?????!!!!!! sian.......
so as u should know, am late for school.... so tired..... wanna slp.... think i will slp now.... coz later got cheer n test..... n haf not studied.... hiaz......
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2:28 PM
Okok update….. since….. Friday…. Well… firday…. Late for school… did not do anything…. O well…. Hehe…. Then aft sch went to YCS meeting for the outing on good Friday. Well quite ok lar….. then well… that was ok and cool…. That all for Friday…. Nothing much
Saturday was like that…. Slp wake up watch cartoon…. Then slp then go out wif parents…. Like tt only…. Then Sunday…..
Sunday stay at home…. Watch tv…. Hiaz…. Realise that my weekend like very sian…. But the truth is that I actually love doin these…. Hehehe…. I wanna stay at home n rot…. Hiaz….. too bad cannot….. well I take wat ever time I haf to rot…. Haha…. How nice is it to do the same things wif the one I like….. hahha….. two of us rot together…… lol….. that will b so cool….. hahaha….
Well at least now that I am broke staying at home helps as my mom pay for my meal n everything…. Hahaha….
I do not know if I miss him or not….. that I wan him or not…. Kinda donno wat I wan…. More like… donno yet…. Cannot make up my mind yet…. But…I do miss him…. Do long for him to call…. Do wanna hear his voice….. do wanna tok to him….. can’t stop smiling when tokin bout him… like now….. hehe….. o man…. Another crush or wat???? I hope that we can proceed on n see how n where we land…. That will be great… at least for now….. haa…. =P =P =P =P
Can’t stop smiling again….. KENNY…. U see lar… all your fault…. Hehehee….. =P
well.... i think that i have see so many people like so many of them... o i mean cruise..... hehehe.... later goin to gym to see..... hahaha..... feel like goin for a swim too.... see how lar..... hahaha...... o am kinda sick..... down wif a flu n cough.... should b still able to do sport..... ahaha....
latest news..... enough to make me scream in shock...... AH GONG IN TROBLE!!!!!!! will not go into details.... and well anyone can try to help pls help..... help help help.... kk...... kinda worried till i goin to cry liao..... ='(
well i don think i have the mood to think of my new stead.... more like finding a place for ah gong to crash..... hiaz...... so bz again..... shit.......
am i despo that i miss him so much???? or is it juz..... something else again..... hiaz..... o well... who cares.... now got to do work and worry for ah gong.............
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