1:23 PM
so sian!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hiaz...... y can't he tok faster..................... o m g!!!!!!! so slpppy..................... aaaaahhhhhhhh can die man....... y did i come n listen to his tok........!!!!!!!! i am fallin aslp liao......... can't think str8..... o wait..... when ddid i ever think str8??? hahahhahaa....... now craping like siao..... watever......... hungry...... but not so much.......... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh man this suckss.....
ask yan yan to write something for me...
Hello... I am sooo freaking bored!!! Ah siao phillip is talking and talking.. Don do it now then don do it later la! LoL... Stupid speaker so ah siao also... Coz ah.. say wad nonsense erm... tao guan... I SAY IS RUN AWAY FROM THE LIGHT LA! STUPID SCH! lol... ah siao people.. go to jalan kayu sell roti prata! :) Ciao! Keep on saying ending le still talk so much.. ZzZz.. Yah la.. testimonial your head la! I give you one test.. zz
tat was yan yan.... hahaha...... next ANGElinE!!!!!
I'm falling asleep toOOOO!! Trying to read some ketone bodies shit stuff to stay awake though.. how pathetic can that get! AHHHhhh! OKOK.. We are finally ending!!!
now birthday gal angie!!!!
haha....ar....dunno wat to type la, samuel force me...ar....aiyah! can liao la! byebye!!
okok can go liao!~!!!!!! bye bye!!!!!!
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12:06 PM
before anything..... OLD LIAO!!!!! 1 MORE WEEK!!!!! AHAHAHAHHAHAAAA HELP........ GETTING OLDER...... AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
okok nvm....... yesterday cheer kinda sad....... coz it is like..... the gal flyer fall front.... n i am front spot...... hiaz..... sad sad...... well.... wat to do...... sad......
then hor.... o ya.... forgot.... his name is terry... no jerry..... donno y i hear wrongly.... hahaha... watever.... hehehee
well kinda sian this few days in class.... finish work so fast.... n so sian....... hiaz........ then aft sch bzbzbzbz
nxt week... cannot celebrate wif frens..... muz wait till next next week...... coz *ahem*
mon- him
tues- cheer
wed- church
thur- cheer
fri- family
sat- cheer
sad sad..... o well... nvm....
wonder will anyone remember???.... hehhehe
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2:27 PM
aafter so much fun over the weekend, it has been a pretty tired days that haf passed..... o man.... i feel so tried n so am goin home str8 aft sch today...... now there is kinda a prob...... coz he is like wanting to go into a relationship.... n i wanna know him more...... o well.... haf to push him back for a while...... hehehe.... oops....... well now still enjoyin ourself.... he took a cab down fm sp to hg juz to see me..... so sweet..... n well stayed wif him till bout 12 plus 1..... o well..... thank goodness cheerleading changes to one day and then now haf got more time to go home early n slp..... hahaha..... mummy don scold me as much n she wanna me to go n visit my grandpa who is in hospital...... well if i can........
so many things coming into my mind again........things that are goin to happen....... sad sad sad..... hope that i can handle it......
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1:28 AM
1:Katong Fugue
one of the most touching story in the whole play it is bout a son closing up n blocking his mother and the mother trying to reach out to her son.
this play really sets us thinking..... why??? how many of us are willing to tell our parents that we like guys and will never get married??? what will my mom thinks if she knows that i am not a virgin anymore??? that i done it wif not gals but guys..... well most likely she willl freak out..... thinks bout what she haf done wrong.... like wat teh mother in the play thinks..... she wants to reach out to the people and wonders what she have done wrong.... but like what the actor says, she did nothing wrong and there is nothing she can do.... try to make us turn straight??? i don think so... this story is about acceptance...... in the family.......
2:Supper at Maxwell
bout two guys comparing the notes one the guys they have cruise... telling us that love may juz b right in front of you....
we all are always talking bout find THE ONE.... both straight and gays..... usually we donno that the one may be just in front of us..... in the aj world, people are all about looks and looks and looks...... look cute, look young, look handsome ect ect.......and only they get crusie.... for sex?? mayb.... love?? most likely not.... and this is also tellin us the importance of frens...... ty all people from forum..... all that i know....... the gang.... thanks for being there for me...... love u all..... and well also to tell us that when our fren is willing to do anything for us, it may b coz he af feelings for us..... but we will not notice as we will b lookin at others..... hiaz...... poor thing.....
3:Raffles City Rendezvous
do aj relationship last??? well.... people says no..... and how bout those with major age difference???? will any relationship last????
a couple is Celebrating their 3rd year anniversary.... n they call someone else for a threesome...... and then their relationship is put to the test..... did the younger boy go for the older guy for money??? or for love??? the older one??? for what he wants the relationshiip???? sounds like me..... i must amit that i like people older than me..... i wan support from them.... but do some times it may seem like i am there for their money.... coz they pay for my everything... that is why some time i wanna pay foor us or for myself..... coz i am there not coz of money but of love...... o well.... do aj relationship last????? i donno.......
4:California Dreaming
who ddo not long for acceptance??? guess this is wat all homosexuals are looking for....acceptance..... but the government "accept" but wif all the laws "against" them.... wat is acceptance????
the loudest party for ajs.... in setosa..... but in the law, there are still many others preventation.... no anal sex, no oral sex, no this no that..... so hoow to haf sex???? and that is not all basically i thhink that this play is saying, if u wanna accept us, let us do everything.... do say accept u but u cannot do this or that...... wat is this???? u can be gay but u cannot haf sex..... u can be gay but u cannot get married..... well..... if they are celebrating coming out, i will when all the above can be done without breaking the law.....
5:My Own Private Toa Payoh
we seen lots of stories of females call gals.... now it male rent bois....
where do u turn to if your family kick u out of the house coz u r gay???what do u do if u haf no place to go, no money and nth but yourself.... when suddenly u found that the one u love is there with you. this story is so nice.... coz it is like two person love each other but they cannot love each other..... hiaz.... well this story brings us to the fact that wat will u do for love???? n wat will u do for money...... wat is dream n wat is reality??? o n wat happens when a btm becomes a top n a top trys btm... hahha... i add tt on my own..... this story also lets us see that some of us really work hard for survival..... a sad story i would say.....
6:The Kings Of Ann Siang Hill
SPA!!!! hehehe... cruise n looks of spa..... do the DOM (dirty old man) realli wan good looking guys for sex only??? a chat means sex???
hahaha... this is the most comical one... it was made seems like a old man is wanted by a cute young boi rather than a better lookin young boi.... n the best part is tt kinda like lookin for a son in law at a spa!!! haahahaa well it is nice..... but wat it is trying to tell us is that never judge a book by its cover.... and some times once u miss something... u missed it.....
7:Downstrem, Delta
a str8 guy n a gay guy story..... so tipical... gay like str8, str8 getting married.......
wat so nice bout this is that it is a tipical story.... wat is love??? n well.... it is so like wat i am goin through now..... u may mean the world to someone..... n watever u say mayb so great. if he is not so kinda nice to me then i may haf forgotten him.... i may not have taken all tt he say or do n make it thousand time better..... o well...... this may happen to str8 relationship too...
8:The Widow of Fort Road
another nice n touchin one.... being a gay sometimes really drive u to sucide
acted by my teacher serene chen it is bout a dream of a gal of a guy who she haf a crush on.... n he is a gay.... caught by the law.... felt so stupid... they are caught coz they are gay...so wat does tt make gay??? no wonder gay haf high sucidial rate...
o by the way... serene acted very well.....
well tt all.... hope u guys know more bout me now... hahahha
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3:47 PM
You are the silver moonlight. You have a deep soul. Many people call you mysterious but they just don't know you. You are often alone but shine hope on every one else. People look up to you and call to you for advice. You have been betrayed but you have forgaven them. Your faith in life has made you an inspiration to us all. You are intelligent, quiet, beautiful, and kind. You will become very sucessful. Your dream career could maybe deal with the joy of music. Keep up the spirit and let your mind drift to the shining hope of the silver moon.
What shade of moonlight are you? (Boys or Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your soul is bound to the Yellow Rose: The Gentle.
"I've travelled through the land of surrender and seen it all. I throw my heart out and keep my head up, and now I travel through the land of peace."
The Yellow Rose is associated with friendship, intuition, and fun. It is governed by the goddess Hestia and its sign is The Intertwined Rings, or True Friendship.
As a Yellow Rose, you always look out for your friends. You would much rather have strong ties with friends than a single tie with a lover and your devotion to your friends is clear. You may have great intuition and be able to read emotions clearly, but sometimes you can seem distant yourself.
What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To? brought to you by Quizilla
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3:17 PM
still in cloud nine..... lalallalaaa......
ahem.... well we kinda gotten into a dating mode..... n see how it can be lor.... so happy..... well... i donno how to make this work but then...... we see lar...... well..... today wanna go back home early n slp..... so slppy..... hahaha..... can't wait to hit the bed......
well muz say tt yesterday went to see the show LANDMARKKS: Asian Boys Vol.2
nice show bout the world....... nice story too..... if i can go online later when i am home i will write out a summary of the whole show...... so nice.......
o ya...... people..... happy V-Day!!!!
countdown: 11 days
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10:27 AM
can i scream???? i wannna scream...... can can??????
can't stop smiling....... hehehehe.....
the nite b4 did not go coffee outing =( but went to ycs meeting..... luckily i went..... coz saw poh cheun there..... ask me wanna go out 4 V day celebration wif the ycs pple.... n i was like ok hehhee
then we suppose to meet at orchard mrt at 1.30 but i was late.... took 132 wat.... then i wanna drop off aft far east but then saw jam so decided to stop at far east instead.... thhank goodness i did.... coz saw anne mummy, jenny mummy n Wan Jin..... hehehe..... they meeting poh chuen as well n he is llate.... so went wif them to makan at suishi sumthing..... heheh forgot the name..... i ate so much..... then gareth, ber n fernie came...... so nice..... n aft we eat then poh chuen came n not long aft jappy came...... hahahaa...... then we go walk walk n waste time as they actualli wanna watch movie n i did not wanna.... coz at first wanna meet michheal n kelvin for single guys day out but micheal too bz to tell me meeting place n all... n jeff last min bback out.... so we cancel the whole thing..... then alvin was saying to eat at the soeul garden where koon work but he haf not make any arrangement so ok lor went to meet this guy....... Jerry......
b4 tt i brought a sleveless shirt..... hehehe so chheap..... n my two mummys says very nice.... so happy.... heehhee...
well then went to meet him..... hahaha... so funny..... he haf not eat so we went to nooch at the paragon to eat..... he ordered all spicy food n iit was too hot..... hahaha..... chatted a while n all.......
then went to hvm n saw angie a.k.a. an qi n her bf..... so nice..... see ya tml...... he wanna buy cd for his fren so went hmv..... then wanna go ps but when reach there he felt like goin to clake quey..... so off we went... to see the bungy jump.... hahhaa..... o n when we reach there saw this beautiful sunset.... wats so beautiful is tt the clouds cover the sun n the rays of the sun shine out.... so nice...... n we took a pic of it using his phone..... i took one.... n it was so nice n beautiful......
o u know wat??? he gave me flowers!!!!!! omg i love flowers!!!!! am the first guy he gave n he is the first guy who gave me...... he brought the flower for $34!!!! i was like!!!!! =0 blue roses some more...... wat anne anne wanted.... hehehheehe
so then back to the bungy thingy.... wanna try but found tt it is not worth our money so went to eat at liang court...... ok lar food but tt place sucks..... o man.... but the shop there sell cheap clotheing....
decided to go to a spa so off we went to raikin or something like tt.... opps waterbar...... n it was like first time n it is so cool!!!!!!! o well got criuse by two guys at the same time...... reject them they still move on on me...... i was liike heck care...... hehehhhee
well the time there was wonderful....... bath a lot of time..... went into a facilitie, come out bath..... well the most memorable was the private room but cannot go into much details due to *ahem* R(A) part..... not sutiable for wen yan.... heheheee o man so paisei...... hehehhehee *blush*
o then went to the rest room where we drank coffee n show him bodyworld pics *AAAHHHHHH* he was like =O hahhahaa...... then played chinese chese....... then we left the place at bout 1 30am
hungry so went to eat at this coffee shop..... then went home..... took a cab.... found tt he was sick..... was so worried for him...... he says i am nice..... n i was like..... ya i am...... but too bad...... ya..... too bad...... o well wat to do....... mayb someday it might..... mayb not...... o well i am sure will contact him again...... hehehehehe.........
got home aft 2..... still msging him...... then slp
aaaahhhhhhh man...... wat a V-day...... I"M LOVIN IT!!!!!!
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